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Nike's Marketing Strategy

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The Nike campaign, which started in March, features an iconic global sports star and an emotional personal story to capture the viewer's attention. The surreal and authentic interplay between the young athletes and the famous stars, along with the use of tears and other common themes, make the Nike campaign a standout. Nike's campaign is different from other sports campaigns which use celebrity references to draw attention. It makes a subtle but genuine connection between the athletes and the stars.

Although it might alienate some US consumers, the campaign is likely to continue its success in the long-term. Nike was able build brand loyalty in record time. This is critical for growing sales. The company also worked with long-term and trusted partners to create an advertisement that resonated strongly with its core audiences. The result was an ad that tapped into the values and needs of its audience and has an unbeatable brand image.

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The campaign won worldwide praise despite the controversy surrounding the ad. Its inclusion and technical proficiency earned praise from a variety media outlets, including CNN Business and It's Nice That. Ava DuVernay and other celebrities have given the campaign positive reviews. Numerous celebrities have endorsed the ad, citing its message as an example for how a brand can help others.

The Nike ad has split audiences in three camps: those who claim the campaign is anti-American and those who call for a boycott. The campaign has been a big success for Nike. Despite the negative reviews, the campaign proved that ads can be both powerfully and controversially. With its latest ad, the company is proving that standing for something bigger than your bottom line can lead to success.

The Nike campaign's efforts to connect with consumers has been widely appreciated. Strong examples of this are the apps and social media pages that were created in tandem with the campaign. Its slogan, "Just Do It", is a campaign that is both authentically social and genuine. The symbols of both genders are represented by a Nike shirt worn by a man and a Nike watch worn by a woman. But a woman doesn't have to be a man to wear the brand.

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Nike has a different campaign that targets both male and female athletes. The campaign is based on female athletes and addresses issues of dominance or sexualization. Both genders are portrayed in a way that reflects the values of the brand. It is an upbeat and powerful message. A male athlete poses as if he is a sexy man, while a female runs as if he is a mere woman.

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Nike's Marketing Strategy